It’s around this time, I feel more depressed than usual.

I have no family here. They don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. My friends are all with their families, proud to show their love. I’m happy for them. I really am but also realize I’m really all alone.

It’s hard. But I also realized today, while taking a small hike around a waterfall that I couldn’t get a great shot of from the non iced areas, that I’m not trying hard enough.

I take it so personally and feel so abandoned  when someone doesn’t respond to my call, my texts or whatnot but when it comes down to a simple situation like getting a great shot with my iPhone, I don’t always get in the water – no matter how freezing it is.

Maybe I have to let go of the people that don’t make any effort to know me or keep a friendship with me and stop taking it so personally. And, just maybe, I have to start trying harder. In retrospect, I should’ve taken my shoes and socks off, rolled up my pants – or taken them off entirely – and gotten the perfect shot of the waterfall I saw today to get that one perfect shot. No matter how fuckin’ cold that water was – and, trust me, there were icicles right near it so it was COOOOLD!

What’s weird is that I was in Finland and have been ice-hole dipping. That’s where they drill a hole in the ice of a lake and people go swimming/dipping in it. So, I KNOW what cold feels like. Getting in the ice holes was exhilarating. I did it several times. Why didn’t I just do it this one time today?

I think I’ve been cruising. It’s easy to do but I expect so much more of myself. Why am I beating myself up when I’m not even trying hard enough to warrant the emotional abuse I reap upon myself?

On a similar note, the holidays ARE where people struggling with depression feel the most alone and isolated. So, reach out to the ones you love. Pick up that phone when someone calls, call your loved ones, etc. That’s what the holidays are for!!! ❤

Oh, and no question about it at this point, Happy Thanksgiving!!



Happy Thanksgiving?

7 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving?

  1. You’re lucky in one retrospect that you don’t have to shop, prep and cook and get no sleep to make Thanskgiving happen. You do have many warm friends who would take you in if you were close. Remember that things come about for a reason. Good things do and will happen. Keep doing what makes you happy! And your family is also your friends!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi Saina! How is it that I’m “following” you, but I don’t get any notice when you have a new post? Whatever, I’ll try to check in more often.

    It’s just past Christmas now, and I’m been feeling pretty low. Maybe it’s Seasonal Affective Disorder? Whatever it is, I just don’t want to do anything except sleep, or maybe drink heavily. I know I should go out. Or do some chores, and I’d feel better. But it’s easy to just say “Fuck It!” too.

    This too shall pass. Maybe I’ll start planning a chunk of PCT I can hike next summer. I hope you are feeling better by now. You have lots of people who care about you. We’ll get through this.

    Happy New Year!


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