I’m such a blob and I have too much to do

Here I go again about my fatness. I NEED TO STOP BEATING MYSELF UP!!!! I apologize to you, dear reader, for the repetitive nature of this topic. I’ll try to shut up about it but since it’s in my head almost 24/7, it’s hard not to. Plus, it’s MY blog so I should be able to bitch about what I want, right?

In the spirit of moving away from that topic :…. So, this lovely woman from a local TV station was doing articles about the PCT and women hiking it and all that and she asked if she could video me for it. Despite all my insecurities about my weight since my IUD, I said “yes”. I almost regret it now, seeing how fat I am on video but she did a great job on the article so am going to share it anyway, for friends and family to see. If anything, there’ll be a good “BEFORE” and “AFTER” PCT pics. hahaha… the “PCT Diet”. lol.

And I sound like SUCH a valley girl!!!? Is that REALLY how I sound???? OMG! I’m just glad she didn’t post me going full blown hormonal on the video (I just lost it and was crying and cracking up at the same time. If anybody saw it, they’d think I was completely insane! hahaha).

Link for article and video here:  http://scvnews.com/2015/04/07/wild-movie-inspires-women-to-find-themselves-on-the-trail/

Oh, and I sold my car today – less than 24 hours after posting about it and to the first buyer. Can you tell I was motivated to sell it? I got $400 less than what I posted it for but was about the price range I was thinking. Am going to miss my cute little car. But she’s going to a cute-ass family who’ll respect her. Weird how attached we become to material objects, no?

My head is spinning with everything I have to do. Still have to pack, shave my head, see my friend, clean up my place, finish a couple of resupplies for the first section, finish reading Yogi’s PCT handbook, send out the resupplies and some supplies to friend in Idyllwild and Big Bear. And I wanted to fit some more hiking in with my pack weight but that doesn’t even appear to be feasible at this point. Despite all this, I’m just sitting down, writing this blog and reading my friend Kali’s blog who’s out on the trail now instead- her blog is: https://ithinkilltakeawalk.wordpress.com/ in case you want to follow someone else that’s awesome. How am I supposed to catch up to her? But I must.

Ok, I think it’s time I stand up and get back to boxes and laundry and packing and cleaning and going crazy and just wishing it’d all magically come together for me.

4 thoughts on “I’m such a blob and I have too much to do

  1. Oh my gawd! I can’t believe how close the trip is.
    Just so you know I have a buzz kit (I used to cut Danny’s hair). I can drive up and do your hair, right after work, if you want?!!!! It’s kind of a big deal. Text me.
    I’m still waiting for my boss to leave to view your interview. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hahahaha!! Ok! When is your after work? Supposed to go to dinner with roomie tonight around 4:30-5 as a last supper type thing. If you can come after or tomorrow even, that’d work!!! So long as I don’t get patchy buzz hair, I will trust you! Lololol


      • Well, I get off work at 4 and, depending on the traffic, I can be there around 4:20-4:30. It shouldn’t take too long to do. You can debut your new hair at dinner (how scary is that?)
        I’m having dinner with my aunt tomorrow so I won’t be available.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The 14 starts being a bit crazy around then and my roomie is trying to get off by 4 so cutting it super close and I’ll probably want to shower after too. Think I’ll just go to SuperCuts! They can’t fuck up a buzz, can they???? But thank you soooooo much for the offer. I love you long time!! ❤️❤️I’m just super nervous about it so would rather get it over with now , you know?


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